The breathtaking scenery of Death Valley National Park

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Interesting geological contrasts in Death Valley

On of the images I’ve taken on the way to Mosaic Canyon. The trail starts next to Furnace Creek Resort.

Red rocky background in Death Valley

Spring colors and flora in Death Valley in March

Mars or Bust Burning Man Body Painting Theme Body painting Mars or Bust theme (part 2) BURNING MAN 2001 “When the Man burned…a series of dust devils rose from the Man’s pyre, hundreds of feet high…like skinny tornadoes emerging from … Continue reading

Giant yellow Duck toy in the bathtub in the playground area of the theme art, The Seven Ages

Artist visual interpretation of TETRAHEDRAL based teleport.

Painted breasts pressed up against the canvas.

Dancing, Drumming, Burning Inside the Chamber of Creation