The temple up in flames
2011: Rites of Passage
Black light tree and Temple silhouettes
2011: Rites of Passage
The biggest temporary building in the World
2011: Rites of Passage
Pregnant woman - giver of life.
2011: Rites of Passage
Joy of the Ride on Playa.
2011: Rites of Passage
Premature ejaculation painting
2011: Rites of Passage
Mobile Pussy
2011: Rites of Passage
Horse mutant vehicle
2011: Rites of Passage
Silver melted TV set
2011: Rites of Passage
Fishing boat stuck in the desert
2011: Rites of Passage
Row boat docked at the pier
2011: Rites of Passage
Sinking House.
2011: Rites of Passage