Rising Sun over Basura Sagrada temple, design by Shrine Tucker

Pink Bunny Art Car from Department of Mutant Vehicles

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. Henry David Thoreau

Body painting art near center camp

Fiery sunrise during Burning Man 2008 Festival

Man with umbrella

‘MAN GWYN MAN DRAW’: a Welsh proverb, meaning “a perfect place over yonder”

Mannequins floating around the TV set. The modern generations raised on television…..the babysitter. “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES”

Couple walking towards disappearing Man at the end of promenade.

Indian teepee city on playa

Basura Sagrada is a temple built mainly from recycled materials, burnable trash and everything else what was tossed off by modern civilization. In contrast, the temple is a very precious space constructed from non-precious materials. Basura Sagrada represents a desert … Continue reading