My flickr friend Siberfi from London who I finally met on playa. Within the seconds we started working on portrait and figurative experiments and here is on of the results. – Thank you Siberfi. I do not paint a portrait … Continue reading
A little perspective, like a little humor, goes a long way. Allen Klein
The Sound Frond Project is an autonomous interactive Sound and Light installation. We are using Arduino electronics hardware, Processing programming software, and the skills of a group of artists, engineers, and Burning Man enthusiasts in Vancouver BC Canada. We are … Continue reading
Megatropolis… The Life and Death of a City by Chris Hankins. The last moments of City which was built in the emptiest and most remote place in the entire world. It can’t get more surreal. Love is like a friendship … Continue reading
Another magnificent installation by Daniel James Lynch from Oregon. This man almost single handedly builds each year park size installation and keeps tuning out the layout of the initial setup till he reaches perfect composition in space. Big cities are … Continue reading
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. Michael Jordan
Many people would no more think of entering journalism than the sewage business – which at least does us all some good. Stephen Fry
A man’s mind is wont to tell him more than seven watchmen sitting in a tower. Rudyard Kipling The 50 feet tall Minaret by Bryan Tedrick can be climbed from the outside as well as inside. On the top of … Continue reading
Tethered helium balloon trips out on the Playa. What is success? It is a toy balloon among children armed with pins. Gene Fowler
For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us. Richard H. Baker