Witnessing Sunrise

Skywhale: The Not ShyWhale by by Blake Marcus, Chris Welch, Seven


Head Maze Matthew Schultz and The Pier Giulia doing her yoga magic

Slonik by Mikhail Tsaturyan

1. White mannequins. Another installation for which I wasn’t able to find any info. If you know the author please let me know and I update the info. 2. In the background “Broken but Together” by Michael Benisty

Master Control art Car by Tom Myers, of Gallery Steel, LLC in Waterford Michigan

WE The People by Sharon DeMattia in loving collaboration with various magician artists

StarZ by Dragnet, Denny Smith This is the 10th year when Denny turns the trash fence at the edge of Playa into beautiful almost mile long walk by art gallery.

Stone 27 by Benjamin Langholz

Playatic Forest by Logical Phallusy Art Collective

Distrikt Music Camp dance performance