Burning Man girl walking along the giant letters reading “THING” in barren desert surreal setting.

Burning Man woman approaching emerging installation from dust storm. Big Rig Jig art sculpture of 2 interconnected oil tankers by Mike Ross.

Computer controlled neon tubes moving in changing intervals and speeds, creating many predefined illusionary light effects and patterns.

Powerful installation of blue bottles amplified by dramatic Black Rock City sunrise. Art sculpture created by Jan Delano.

Nine figurative steel sculptures emerging from thick dust layer during the Burning Man dust storm. Large scale art installation by Dan Das Mann Karen Cusolito, Blac Rock FX Mark Perez Pyrokinetics Nate Smith and Monkey Boy.

Absolutely stunning final 300 feet mushroom shape explosion making the end of Crude Awakening installation. I was about half a mile from the fireball and could feel the radiating heat. Crude Awakening art installation by Dan Das Mann Karen Cusolito … Continue reading

Burning Man flying girl performing super jump over the vast playa

This shot was taken from near Center Camp showing the main alley and crowd of people gathered to witness final moments before the Man goes down in flames.

This was my first year when we got double rainbow. Very unique moment when the rainbow formed over the open flat desert with now obstructions at all.

Large field of 1100 pinwheels installed by Deniz Kurtel

Burning Man girls walking on playa in white costumes and umbrellas

Burning Man welded metal art by Nelson Lacey